56 Quotes & Sayings By David Paul Kirkpatrick

David Paul Kirkpatrick is a best-selling author and a leading expert on personal finance. His first book, The Automatic Millionaire, quickly became a Wall Street Journal and Business Week bestseller, and his work has been featured in Time, Forbes, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. Kirkpatrick lives in San Francisco with his wife and three children.

There is peace in play. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Where are you, oh heart, which I loved from the start? Did you ever arrive? How long must we stay apart? David Paul Kirkpatrick
Then an odd thing happened. Britney put her finger on the ridge of the painted glass and rubbed it. It made a perfect noise. The kind of noise that goes on and on as a beautiful noise does once it has wrung the ear. It was the chord of the wild sea. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Through all people, the Music of Love would pour, bringing light to the swords that sped through the darkness. And the light of their blades would lead the constellations to their destination. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Sometimes, it's important to turn off the noise from the outside world. Sometimes, it's critical to stop the banter even within oneself. Intentional solitude and quiet can make us strong for tomorrow. David Paul Kirkpatrick
More than happiness or joy or lower blood pressure, the practice of God’s presence gives us meaning. Through this practice we become more closely aligned with Jesus and we learn His desire for us more completely. Life can be hard. The Practice of The Presence of God makes it easier. As Brother Lawrence said, “There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. David Paul Kirkpatrick
God requires solitude and quiet — this is part of the way He instructs us to pray to Him. We are obligated through our Love to worship Him as He sees fit. This is not the law. This is the language of Love: we love Him in the way He chooses for us to Love Him. David Paul Kirkpatrick
The happiness in our hearts is there for we dare to dream in light when the world tells us to scream in the darkness. David Paul Kirkpatrick
She became the bad company that she kept. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Since that night you walked through my dreams, the world is full of magic things. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Because you tred upon my dreams, the world is made of magic things. David Paul Kirkpatrick
I am a follower of Jesus and a student of the Buddha. David Paul Kirkpatrick
I am a follower of Jesus and a student of the Buddha. Why is that so hard for my fellow Christians to grasp? David Paul Kirkpatrick
The devout life does not solely entail living as a monk or ascetic, though that is fine. The devout life requires bringing God into all things. David Paul Kirkpatrick
When in doubt, look to Jesus. David Paul Kirkpatrick
He is Jesus, only. God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus. Jesus is what God wanted us to know and to love. He is not Napoleon the Great. He is not Alexander the Great. He is Jesus only. He is enough. My purpose in life is to worship Jesus and, in so doing, become more Christ-like David Paul Kirkpatrick
The greatest gift we have ever received, and ever will or could receive, is the Spirit of God Himself. He enters the essence of our human form and changes us from within. He fills us with joy, love and peace. He subdues our passions and transforms our very being into the likeness of Christ. David Paul Kirkpatrick
We are strangers to our own lives, setting out in the dark to look for the adobe of Love which we were meant to know, guided by the Music that wants us to see. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Every time, Love pushed down the door where her loneliness lived. The Music came and sealed the chamber of her heart. She was filled with clear sweetness that was there from the start. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Through science, she could reach anyone at anytime around the world, but no one seemed to know what to say. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Darkness is not forever, eventually there will be stars. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Love is the reason why, even in suffering, we smile. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Love is the reason why, in confusion, we understand. David Paul Kirkpatrick
The breeze carried the music into the distant country plains, past the bullet trains, across the majestic cornfields and the Christmas tree farms. The music swept past the Georgia orange trees, the droning honeybees, and the shining seas of the Atlantic. It wafted past the London Pier. Young Britney wanted all of Nod to hear. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Where they had once ambled alone, they now walked together home. David Paul Kirkpatrick
For happy are the merciful for they shall, too, know mercy. David Paul Kirkpatrick
They would be a duet. They would be happy. What is happy, anyways? David Paul Kirkpatrick
The river was beautiful and wise. There were the two of them being happy in a new way. For here, there was no man, no woman, no master, no yellow, no black, no white. We, we who were, we are the same no longer. David Paul Kirkpatrick
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of Love. Along that river is the tree of heaven. David Paul Kirkpatrick
All bowmen are caught between heaven and earth, born to discovery, choosing to love and raise their eyes high to a future that is apparent only through the strength of their hope. David Paul Kirkpatrick
You are the apple of Love’s eye. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Small as a pea. Wider than the sea. This is where you and I came to be. David Paul Kirkpatrick
What are those glorious dots? Those, dear one, are forget-me-nots! David Paul Kirkpatrick
Somehow, the days of summer with their glimmering enchantment of dancing ladybugs and sailing clouds had faded into grey. Maddie’s heart had somehow faded with it. David Paul Kirkpatrick
I no longer belong to your ways. My religion is love. Every heart is my church. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Tears are another river that takes us home. We become alive with tears. There isn’t a chance to return to sleep when we are weeping. David Paul Kirkpatrick
For in the sorrow, there is also our happiness. David Paul Kirkpatrick
We love against the night, burning like stars against the darkness of bread and circuses. David Paul Kirkpatrick
In the river swam the gleaming fish, which were meant for water, just as humankind is meant for love. David Paul Kirkpatrick
He tossed a word like a ball, never letting it fall. Instead it swam in the air, without care, strung together with an art that came straight from his heart. David Paul Kirkpatrick
The marriage bond is more than a civil contract. It is a reward for loving well. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Sometimes there were troubles but no one can be a hero without the heart being torn open. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Oh come, ‘though you have broken your promises a hundred times… Come home, stranger and alien, come home to me…. Come home, space traveler, lover of leaving for I am here... David Paul Kirkpatrick
The Music blows wherever Music pleases, you hear it’s sound, but you cannot tell where the Music comes from or where the Music is going. David Paul Kirkpatrick
While the Holy Spirit is hidden, He is never, ever absent David Paul Kirkpatrick
Heroes do not dwell in a time of peace; heroes are hardened in a kiln against the sorrows. Their troubles sharpen the blade and make it gleaming. The glint becomes a brightness that is raised high on a hill, allowing women and men to see beyond themselves. For light swallows darkness. Truth buries death. Heroes are not born. They are filled by Music. David Paul Kirkpatrick
There will always be trouble so there will always be a time for heroes David Paul Kirkpatrick
Be patient, child! ” said the Music. “But she will forget me.” “Do not worry, child. I am there. I shall not forget.” And she stared out at the planets and gentle stars and the galaxies and became forlorn for she had known a special love.“ The Universe is so large, just look at it! ” she cried. “Believe.” The Music sang. David Paul Kirkpatrick
It was a love that was not a contract but an affection of the soul. David Paul Kirkpatrick
One day, all those who love in the society of Auld Lang Syne shall meet again. In the New City of the Burning Heart, there, the veil will drop. The arc of the seas shall finally know the skies. Day and night shall end. The clock tower will crumble. Time shall fly to the place of no more. For we were born for meaning. We were born to love. There, we shall all be together with all the lovelies ever known who chose mercy and kindness amidst the forget-me-nots and the countless stars. David Paul Kirkpatrick
She saw the scarlet thread of her lips, the light in her eyes, the family through their love, their children running barefoot in a fresh field. David Paul Kirkpatrick
The woman of her dreams went into her arms without shame or awkwardness as the boldness of Love overcame them both. David Paul Kirkpatrick
There was no necessity for either to have the last word. For the first word became the only word of their romantic conversation. David Paul Kirkpatrick
Their wedding night was at a little hotel in Paris. There were walk up steps and a lovely view. And all was well for these two. David Paul Kirkpatrick